The Grant Writing Process Part 4: Video Samples! 

Okay, here we go!  Part 4 of our in-depth look into what it takes to apply for a grant in the arts! If you're new to the series, I have been sharing the materials from my own grant submission to the Austin Film Society's $5000 Development grant which is currently under consideration. 

This week we're covering: 

Video Samples (Required, submit links in application) 
You may submit up to 5 links of past work 

Video Samples are super important, particularly for this grant.  They are looking for someone with a proven body of work and this is where they will decide if I have one. 

After considering it, I decided that I would include a little bit of everything that I have made as a filmmaker: a short film, a music video, a 6-episode web series, and a feature film. 

They also require descriptions of each- which I will not include here:) 

If you want to check them out here are the links: 

2 back-to-back episodes of "Smart Cookies with Jenni Tooley" 
2 back-to-back episodes of "Smart Cookies with Jenni Tooley" 
"Icarus" Music Video 
"The Safety of Others" ,short film 
STUCK, feature film 

Because these are all private links with special names created just for AFS, it's pretty easy to keep track of the analytics on how many views they have. 

The LEV, Vicki Meek episodes of SCJT has been viewed 12 times and loved once. 
The other SCJT episode hasn't been viewed at all. 
Icarus has been viewed about 20 times. 
Safety of Others twice. 
And STUCK 12 times with 2 hearts.  STUCK is also available on Prime so they could also be watching it there. 

Why is this important to me?  It tells me that people are watching.  It tells me what they are watching.  And all of that tells me which I should use as work samples next time and which I should reconsider. 

So there you have it!  If you have any questions or need help working through a grant app of our own let me know:) 


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