This week's mantra: Rejection is Protection

Boy I got a great reminder of this last week.  STUCK was not accepted into SXSW which was not a surprise but it was a disappointment. When I found out that SWSX had been cancelled within a week of its start date I though “Whew! We dodged a bullet there!”. 

If we had been accepted we would have already raised and spent thousands of unrefundable dollars on promo materials, publicist fees, red carpet clothes, travel expenses, etc etc etc.  I would have, of course, found a way to spin the whole thing into some publicity and worked it into something useful, but it still would have been pretty darn disappointing and expensive. 

So there it is- - a great example of rejection is protection.  Any time I start feeling rejected, victim- y or down, I think maybe there’s a higher reason for this.  I mean why not?  No reason to feel poopy if you don’t have to! 

Lots of hugs! 


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