Hey there, lovely listeners!
Welcome back to another soul-stirring episode of "Confessions of an Aging Ingénue." I'm your host Jenni Tooley, and I'm beyond thrilled to have you join me today.
Before we dive into the captivating world of our STUCK story, I want to extend a special invitation to all of you. Picture this: a confessional session every first Wednesday of the month, where we spill the beans and share our juiciest tales. Intrigued? Head over to jennitooley.com and mark your calendar for some confessional magic.
Let’s get started! Today's STUCK story is a gem that some might advise against sharing. But you know what? It's vital, and I believe some of you out there need to hear it. Buckle up as I unravel the tale of the memorial service I had for all the dreams that didn't unfold around my movie, STUCK.
Dreams, expectations, assumptions—we all have them. And, more often than not, life takes unexpected turns. My movie, initially envisioned with specific stars and grand premieres, took a different route. And you know what? It turned out to be a beautiful, powerful story with a cast that I now wouldn't trade for the world.
I'll spill the tea on the fundraising journey, applying for grants, and the harsh reality of not making the cut. Indie film stardom? Well, that wasn't our path, and I had to reassess where STUCK truly belonged in this vast cinematic world.
Let's just say I had to readjust my expectations. But you know what's incredible? Our premiere at the Women Texas Film Festival was nothing short of magical. And that moment at the Dallas Video Festival? Pure gold.
Yet, throughout this journey, I realized I hadn't properly mourned the dreams that didn't materialize. So, while on a drive, I decided to have a memorial service for those dreams. A symbolic burial of what could have been.
Why? Because carrying the weight of unfulfilled dreams can be heavy. It took this moment of honoring, grieving, and letting go to clear space for what truly matters—moving forward with a clean slate.
The unexpected clarity on the next steps for my movie? Priceless. No shame, no weird feelings, just a roadmap of what needs to be done. And you know what's crazy? I didn't fully grasp the magnitude of making a feature film until recently.
I learned to celebrate the small victories, set realistic metrics of success, and revel in each step of the journey. So, here's to letting go, making space, and embracing the creative process.
I hope this resonates with someone out there. Remember, it's okay to grieve not only for people or pets but also for the dreams that didn't make it.
Thanks for being part of this heartfelt journey. I'm Jenni Tooley, your host, and I can't wait to hear your thoughts on today's episode.
Don't forget to comment, review, follow, and subscribe—your support keeps our podcast thriving. Until next time, much love, and stay tuned for more soulful confessions!
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