
You’ve got the power!

Human recharging station: Two tools to refill your empty, irritated cup

Hi Darlin!

We’ve all been through the wringer over the last few months- well, let’s be honest- not months, years- and many of us are still in it. Adding to the stress and overwhelm is that fact that we’re driving right into the storm called “The Holiday Season”.

You know the season I’m talking about. The one where you run yourself ragged trying to create the “perfect holiday experience” but find yourself, once again, in the middle of a Hallmark Christmas movie that’s been abruptly interrupted by a family drama that you could have predicted and taken actions to avoid but thought “hey, this year will be different.”

Do you feel like you’ve already given all you have and if you have to make one more decision or have one more hard conversation you’re going to scream and then go hide under the covers?

You are not alone.

When we’re physically and emotionally drained it’s easy to give in to overwhelm and confusion. It’s common to feel irritated by every little thing. And it’s hard to come at problems, plans, and relationships with a clear head.

Never fear! I’ve been there and I’m here for you! I’ve pulled two very relevant and helpful goodies for you from the Creative Life Support archives!


In July 2022,

I created a coaching video(above) on how to “Take Charge and Recharge” and a short, guided meditation (below) called “Recollecting Your Energy”. Isn’t it amazing how these practices are universal and can be applied to so many different situations? Let’s get to it!

Recollecting your energy visualization/meditation


If you feel drained, irritated, or resentful then you may be having some trouble managing your own time and energy. No judgement here—I’ve been there before many times. It’s so much easier to give other people my time and energy than it is to give it to myself. I learned a great trick that I am going to share here with you—it’s a guided visualization to help you go out and collect all of that energy that you gave away so that you have more for yourself- and more to give again!

Let me know how it went and if you would like to see more tools like this shared in our community:)

You are loved- never doubt it.

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